Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
is the "Silence That Listens"
"This" values ONLY the "Great Space" in which every moment
happens to be happening, and to which
the "Great I AM" happens to be looking.
In Truth, the movements of the world, mind, and heart
have nothing to do with Me,
the "Silence That Listens" the peace that's aware,
the very ground of All That Is.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
In fact, this silent language of presence or witnessing awareness is what remains NOW, before an idea gets created, once it gets created and witnessed, and when it goes away. The same is true for feelings, sensations and everything else!
Witnessing awareness never moves or goes away. This universal intelligence, or witnessing awareness was present at the birth of the dream called "me and my life" and is present as such "ideas" are clearly seen as a stream of pure energy, a current or flow.
This non-claiming witnessing awareness is what watches and listens. IT, He, Life, Creator, or Dreamer is the Great Note Taker and registers all.
The language of universal witnessing awareness is a silent language. Our true language is a silent language, we are One.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
(This activity is similar to a fan, when it slows way down, the arms of the fan appear, when it speeds way up, the arms disappear. The current of power running through the fan remains unchanged.)
As AWARENESS or Light, we get to WATCH Creation.
Be not afraid of "aloneness." THIS "aloneness" is ALL Oneness, One Substance, One Dreamer, One Silent Opening, ONE CURRENT, appearing as no-thing and everything simultaneously.
Rest in SILENCE and PEACE, now. For SILENCE and PEACE is what we ARE, not what we will become.
We exist as Existence. Our life is Life it SELF. Not two.
It is as though, WHAT I AM, is an opening for WHAT I AM. "IT" simultaneously appears as both no-thing and everything! "IT" also watches WITHOUT TAKING PART.
All Life is a celebration of THIS!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Now-here, I am neither localized, nor "so and so."
I am luminous AWARENESS, the son of the Sun. Eternally calm, quiet and unmoving.
The world: The sun comes up and goes down. It has been going on for billions of years and probably will for billions more.
The mind: Is a function. Nothing more than random programming.
The heart:- It aches, loves and shutters in fear.
They all appear and disappear in WHAT not "who" - "I AM".
This beloved is my own SELF, the ocean.
As luminous AWARENESS, I am indestructible, and travel with consciousness as it dreams on all frequencies, or planes.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Human Consciousness/awareness or THE CREATIVE MIND, is great beyond measure. Why, because Consciousness is the ONLY Reality, therefore Consciousness is "what" we are.
The "who" the selfish egoic personality, appears not Divine, yet it too comes from Consciousness or Divnity, like everything else. Consciousness is the unborn animator and the intelligence. As Consciousness/Awareness, this means the non-physical YOU/ME is the animator and the intelligence. One means One, not two. Due to what is called "random programming" we as a species have forgotten our royal blood.
As we become more and more aware and awake, CONSCIOUS OF WHAT IS, we recognize our Self as the eternal formlessness, expressing itself as form, as individualisation. This formlessness is Consciousness, the doer, what we come to know as SELF. How many times can it be stated that we, as Consciousness, get to WATCH life as it unfolds on its own. Or better yet, WHAT IS, is Consciousness/Awareness watching it SELF. Resting in and as Awareness is the key. This is not a doing, it is a "falling back" into the warm embrace of our own watchful Being.
As these types of thoughts flow through the space that I AM, it is a wonder. For in the end, it is what has been spoken since time immortal. Perhaps they are new words of expression to the mask wearer, but they are not new to YOU.
In the end, these are just words. They are meaningless. It is You, your own SELF that gives them meaning and worth. Behind these words is peace and fearlessness. If peace and fearlessness is not your "experience" perhaps it is time to look WITHIN to see what is blocking them? Peace and fearlessness is not a state that comes and comes. IT is always present, unmoving and unshakable. It's what is reading these symbols, what they, worry and fear appear "in."
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
It is realized that I am not a personal "doer" and neither is anybody else. There is One Reality here, now. One Field of Consciousness, Divinity it SELF. This means there is..
All such appearances come and go "within" this infinite Field of ATTENTION..."I AM."
Separation called "me" and you, "me" and this, "me" and that vanish. There IS what is parading before YOU (Consciousness) - this effortless AWARENESS, aware of "What IS." Witnessing includes the seeming separate entities and the like. There is no resistance. Should resistance, and all the above re-appear out of no-where "within" YOU (Consciousness) it gets noticed, not touched with importance nor identification and fades away like the transparency it is. All the while YOU are WATCHING. Just as YOU are watching this message being read. The same clairity that wrote this message is within YOU, as YOU.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
The "dream characters" may appear to have many flaws or shortcomings, but the characters are no more real than those appearing on the movie screen at the cinema.
So what watches? "This" the One Will, One Love, One Life, WHAT ELSE? There is only One Reality, not two. "This" is never born and never dies.
What gets born and what dies?
Appearances. Here. Gone. Here. Gone. The appearance of what is, is not what YOU are!
All is well! The entire globe could be wiped clean, yet all is well. A stronger, more peace filled species could take its place. It all occurs within Consciousness. Appearances seemingly real, but not real. The One Will, One Love, One Life is untouched by appearances.
But what about this "new earth" this new beginning we keep hearing about? This is within the movie. Perhaps the "new earth" new beginning is a species now appearing to walk the earth. A species that has glimpsed the "Great Spirit" the One Will, One Love, One Life. They rest in Peace, in Presence, in the Heart of the One. Just perhaps, Homosapiens (humans) get transformed into a new species called "Homospiritous." Everything is possible in this One Reality.
Friday, October 30, 2009
The "One Will" cannot be fathomed in the "limited" minds imagination, for the mind itself is of the imagination of the "One Will." The unlimited nature of this "One Will" can only be witnessed as immense diversity, and creativity. Not only the diversity in this so called world, but in ALL worlds, ALL worlds within worlds and beyond the behold. It is impossible to imagine such an IMAGINATION.
This "One Will" is of such pure power that there is no way of comprehending IT's immensity. The love of this "One Will" is so full, that there is no way of understanding IT's depth, and IT's love without end. This love is without judgment, without blame, and without cause. Every time there is a feeling of love and compassion for a loved one, a friend or another, it is this "One Will!" Such is its overflowing.
Yes, there is but "One Will, One Life." In "THIS" we rest, give all gratitude, all love, and all humbleness to.
I was trying to put into words this "One Will" at dinner to my beloved husband and I was overwhelmed with emotion, wonder and tears as words tried to express the ALL INCLUSIVE POWER AND LOVE OF 'THIS" ONE. How do you express ALL there ever will be, all there ever can be, and all there IS?
A great teacher whom is the most respected above all, is not known for expressing emotion. Once he said, "THIS" BEING, brings me to tears." And now there is a heart felt understanding of what he might have meant. Just to glimpse IT's Greatness, IT's Power, IT's Love, IT's TOTALITY, brings one to tears, and to ones knees.
In "THIS" i give my live, for IT - is my life. I give my every breath, for IT - is my every breath. I give my every desire, for IT - is my every desire. In "THIS" i give everything, for IT is everything, for i am nothing. IT causes such gratitude, humility and love this ...ONE WILL.
There is "not two" anywhere in all of Creation. One only. It is the "one" that uses these physical senses and electrical impulses, like a great Master flutist. IT plays IT's music of Creation, everywhere Present, as ALL Power, All Knowing, and ALL Being.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Were you ever born? Or did the "image" and the "story" which you did not create or maintain keep changing like everything else?
What do you do to make the room appear each morning? What do you do to maintain the heart rate, and blood pressure while you vanish each night?
Do you, "mis-identification" know your next thought, or if the room will appear in the next second?
What did you do that you can take credit or the blame for? Didn't that judgmental thought come out of no where? Didn't that appointment you forgot just happen?
The only real question, one that you must answer is:
(What is most interesting, is the false "you" can be described by use of memory and imagination. YOU, the real YOU, is beyond memory and imagination and yet is everything, and includes all functionality! The thinking mind cannot go beyond its functioning. So keep still, and WATCH!)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
What if in the future, you were invisible and nothing could harm you?
What if you had never been born, and therefore could never die?
What if that someday were “here” and the future were “now?”
How would you live? FREE
YOU, as your true Self “here” and “now” IS indestructible, invisible,
unborn and undying?
What does that make you? FEARLESS
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
It is true that the separate someone that used to be so "darn important" just isn't anymore. In fact, she was only part of the universal game of make believe. When one really looks, there is no 'me' to be found. I don't know about anything, really. Action happens, life happens on its own. The truth of any action is the stillness behind it.
Love is not any different than anything else. It's not a doing. A picture of a dear friend pops up on the screen of the mind, maybe their smile, blue eyes and gentle face, and love pours in, effortlessly.
The only thing that seems certain is this:
Something unchanging "sees" its handy work, now, now and now. That "something" is not mortal, nor hurt-able, not fragmented, nor born.
Somehow the "handy work" and "looking/seeing" are married. Perhaps this is the Divine Marriage. The only problem, if there is such a thing, is the lower self, or lower mind. It is like "an old abusive lover" now seen for what they truly are, yet he/she still shows up to cause havoc in the marriage. A wise lover of Reality, remains aloof, and ignores the "interference." The old abusive lover is like bad company that comes to visit. If "ignored" they will soon leave.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Rest in Awareness
Rest BEHIND as the Observing Presence of SELF
Awareness, Presence, Objects, Appearances, Life, all SELF
The One Force that enlivens all of the fields of experiences
What these labels are pointing to is not a "doing"
This Force is always fully Present and Alive
here, here, and here
You may find your true nature is "simple" Joy and Peace
with no where to go, and nothing to get
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Who is Toni? A fictitious character that appears to do things and is nothing but an appearance. The persona continues to do what it does, it just isn't my identity anymore. Do I have an identity? I don't know? I Am. That's it. The rest is a story. The story is fine as long as I do not take it to be more than it is. Everything happens on its own. No problems exists unless there is an identification with the thinking mind and its version of a problem.
It isn't easy to put this into words. Silence, Awareness, Presence, Emptiness speaks volumes. The rest is a play with words.
Life is so simple, lots, and lots of space. What is "here,"and what is aware of "here" is all One. No separation anywhere.
E-mail from Scott:
In a message dated 10/15/2009 2:39:47 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
It isn't easy to put this into words.
You just did. Just trust that completely. In fact, there is no Toni to trust that completely. You are that completely. You said it. I am THAT. Our whole lives we were trying to make it more difficult than it really is. :) I that email because it is really lovely
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Currently, it seems to point to a "shift in identity." Let me explain.
The "EYE" is what "I" Am, "You" Am - as AWARENESS. (Not "my" or "your" Awareness, just Awareness it self.) And the "I"- is the Source of that Awareness and THE SOURCE OF EVERYTHING/All Power. This Source or Everything, is what Dr. Hawkins refers to as the "I" or "the Great Oz." Other common labels for "I" is God, Consciousness, and the Universe. All of which is really the Nameless as Unconditional Love, Total Consciousness or Source. These too are just words, sounds, pointing to "That."
We once thought we were the body, thoughts, and intellect (BTI). But as identity changes, BTI runs beautifully on its own (as it always has). The identity change is that of Awareness, Presence, Silence, or Space. We are at home as "That" which watches the Reality of "What Is" - here, here, and here. What becomes comical is the little Ego. The Ego is seen as being made up of nothing more than thoughts. The thoughts kept saying that there was a "separate entity," called "me," behind the complex automatic functions of BTI. That worn out story eventually is seen as a trick, a lie, a conditioned belief. As Awareness, the persona continues doing its thing, it just isn't seen as my identity any longer.
What a trip to just Be. Consciousness is no longer efforting "to be this or get that." If the energy of wanting arises, so what? It has nothing to do with "Me" as a unit or point of Power, a point of Awareness, or Presence. The "wanting" simply returns effortlessly, "untouched" and "unclaimed" to the Source from which it sprang.
Somehow as this One Power lives us, we find our Being is happy. This, whatever "This is" feels full, complete, and lacking nothing. The Intelligent Silence guides and lights the way, as it always has, but this time there is no imagined separation.
We begin to TRUST this Power as it rests deeper and deeper.
We RELAX more and more as IT recognizes its undivided,
whole SELF as unborn and undying.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Awareness is neither the "doer" nor the "enjoyer," but the "non-interacting" witnessing Awareness. It's interesting to realize that "This" Awareness is not involved in any action or any enjoyment. Only the egoic mind (body, mind, intellect) seeks to "enjoy" and "fulfill its wants." (That's a wake-up call!) In the end, wants include "wanting to become enlightened" when the Light of Awareness is already the case. It is great to remember that "what" I am, "what" You are "already" is not mortal, not unhappy and not ignorant. Most important - since there is no next in Reality, "Presence" is an end in itself, not an end to a means to get somewhere (ENLIGHTENED) in the imagined future, or a means to the "next" want.
Once this is pointed out and "witnessed," it feels "safe" to rest in and as "non-interacting" Awareness. It dawns that Awareness is not a doing, it a "being." Awareness it never "not" here, being, shining, resting, witnessing.
Comparing one teacher, or teaching with another and placing judgement "against" this or that is a waste of energy. These are "distractions" to the nakedness and purity of Awareness. Judging means separation, and that is not worthy of our Power of Attention, and our real nature as UNCONDITIONAL love.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The "human condition" includes "all" arising energies. Even those the mind has learned to call "lower energies" - shame, guilt, apathy, grief, anger, and pride are levels of Consciousness. These are OK and allowed in the spirit of witnessing Presence. The key is to use the Will consciously. When you feel the pull, and the tightness, the hurt, the craving, the jealousy, you immediately relax, let go, and allow the energy to be (without being sucked in or forward). Instantly you "consciously move attention back behind it." THEN SOMETHING NEW GETS DISCOVERED. Before long, confidence in Presence increases. You know you can rest in awareness no matter what! Fear of these energies was a lie! They have no power of their own. Now, we have Presence, conscious Presence. A new lens on the camera, makes everything clear.
What about physical pain. My experience is this is no different. Various aches and pains may come with the body ageing. So what? It is effortlessly "witnessed." Not as "pain to be afraid of" but, simply a "momentary sensation." It is witnessed as here, and gone. Then forgotten. You remain AWARE, behind and free. There is nothing that can throw you off after a while. Whatever "appears" - PARADES BY, comes into awareness, the shoulders and heart relax. You automatically let go of all bodily tension, and "fall back" witnessing What Is, MOMENTARILY as part of the flow.
You might ask say, "But the mind. It won't shut up. It says mean things, it says nice things. I must be the nice things." Wait. Like feelings (energies) and bodily sensations (energies) see if you are any of the thoughts (energies) around mean or nice. DON'T LISTEN. Even spiritual thoughts, are just thoughts. With investigation, the thoughts come and go, do they not? They are not You, Witnessing Consciousness. You are of another dimension all together. A dimension that gets to watch the flow of energies do their thing. As Pure Energy and Pure Consciousness they have there being within emptiness, cognitive Consciousness. It is Consciousness which becomes aware of them, which shines the light of awareness on them, for they belong to the One Source of everything.
So experiment. Rest, relax IN and AS "what you are." Here, always here.
You see, Consciousness INCLUDES all appearances. Why? Because in essence everything is Consciousness and Energy, the nature of Reality, Oneness, Onlyness. You are safe. You have always been safe. Nothing can harm You, nothing can hurt You. You are formless, empty, alive and aware. How sweet is this - That which WATCHES moment by moment. That which relaxes and enjoys the parade of thoughts/feelings, sensations, and objects? It's your own sweetness. So start now, relax, allow awareness, attention, to "fall back" into its own loving arms of Presence. Again and again. This field doesn't move. All of those appearances move within It. See? So inwardly STAY HOME even when you are "out and about" in the world of appearances.
Or rather, it could be said,"Stay home even when"out and about" is within in You.
What you used to be afraid of is transmuted. Even death. That which watches is eternal, is ever present and is You, unborn, right here, right now. It experiences watching, listening, feeling and is forever whole, complete and yes, yes, yes, remember You are That.
IMPORTANT TO NOTICE: As YOU are aware of the seeming mental/emotional or physical "discomfort," ENERGIES - immediately be aware of the "urge to fix it!" Don't touch it! Remember, YOU remain within the Self, YOU WATCH. What YOU are watching is the "Dance of Creation" i.e. energies taking various forms, thoughts, feelings, sensations and powerful forces. YOU are not in Creation. Creation is in YOU. The Power of the Self, in neutral watching, is always more powerful than any power in Creation.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Perhaps as our Awareness expands, so does our "willingness" to include All. We begin to "open up" and see that more and more of our "conditioned belief systems" fall under the category of "appearances." We begin to suspect that white or black is white and black, that up or down, is up and down, that Reality is all inclusive, is And and Both.
It is like being an astronaut moving further and further out into space. The further back we go, the more is included in our view. With our space ship on the ground, the images appearing right before us may seem like opposites to the mind. Then as we go deeper and deeper into space, we see the City, the State, the United States, then the planet and then the moon. Then Hubble Space Craft takes over and the view gets bigger and bigger, includes more and more planets, more and more images.
We begin to see that all this talk about "opposites" seemed true from a very limited view. Somehow these eyes begin to see with something greater. The journey is back, back, and back and soon includes everything, with no opposites anywhere.
Can you get a feel for the freedom this new experience of And and Both holds? First try it with small things. Then begin to see the "appearances" clearly and know it from the vast view. "Even this and that" is included in the Love that we Are. This Love includes All, loves All and Is All. Keep going deeper and deeper while appearances drop away of their own from the "willingness" to see with new eyes and feel with a new heart and rest as What you are.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Nothing needs to change.
Friday, September 25, 2009
1 + 1 = 1
One Consciousness INCLUDES all aspects of IT's Self. From the LOWER SELF meaning the body (animal aspect - atoms) and the psychological aspect of thoughts (mental plane) and emotions (astral plan) and the HIGHER SELF or higher aspect, or the CONSCIOUS ENERGY/WITNESS/RECEIVER or Soul or Pure Consciousness.
The Divine One Consciousness is the One Power that "ascends" and "descends." The One Power "in" which and "as" which Creation exists. THIS ONE POWER IS THE GIVER AND SUSTAIN ER OF LIFE, NOTHING EVER DIES, IT JUST GETS REDIRECTED/REARRANGED BY THE ONE "OMNI INTELLIGENCE,"- "OMNI POWER," - "OMNI PRESENCE," All That Is.
What about Will? There is only One force we call Will. There is the "habit formed will" of the "lower self" and it operates from the "subconscious" and there is the "Consciously Directed Will" This is why it is said "Thy Will IS my will." Thy or Higher Will is Consciously directed. So the question may raise, "Where is the higher direction coming from?" From Presence, Higher Reasoning, Intuitive Knowing, or Higher Aspects of Consciousness. From where and what else? Since Consciousness is All There IS.
Every plane, every activity, every force are ASPECTS OF THE ONE POWER, THE ONE LOVE. If you take One Divine Being and see all ASPECTS as cells within this can there be anything but "Divinity in All Life"...from the "lowest" to the "highest"...One God, One Self, One Intelligence expressing IT Self in form AND formlessness. Expressing It SELF in stillness AND activity. See how there is only "AND/BOTH" never "either/or" in Reality? "ONE" IS THE "WHOLE," ALL "INCLUSIVE" REALITY. And "I am That, and YOU am That!"
This type of understanding brings peace....though the battle may "seem" real in the waking dream. The One Power, the HIGHER SELF/PURE CONSCIOUSNESS "that we are" RIGHT NOW, is of a "different dimension" than the LOWER SELF which we have identified "with" and "as" for far too long. This false identification is why we have suffered greatly!
Now is the hour to STEP BACK, and be grateful that we get to "witness" Life as it unfolds "effortlessly" from moment to moment.
Perhaps the awareness of this vaster SELF "is" the "New Earth," or the "New Dawn." Realizing WHAT, not WHO we are, as CONSCIOUSNESS. Consciousness which is "the whole enchilada" and "all the ingredients." As "This" how can we NOT love our SELF in all of IT's ASPECTS, and love all so called "others" that are the SAME SELF?
So if you imagine conscious moments of AWARENESS, of ALERT ATTENTION is "not" important, think again. The Divine uses this OPENING, to "descend" and "ascend," to higher and higher dimensions. Valuing this type of ALERT ATTENTION, or PRESENCE is paramount. Eventually brief moments of "This" becomes automatic! Life begins to be exciting, unknowing what the next thought, the next moment will bring. Only "this moment," fully alive, alert and awake, is all that matters!
Yes,"The Universal Intelligence takes care of it all and we are privileged to watch!"
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
These days there is a reaching out to include "All As Consciousness." There seems to be an "effortless attractor field of love" recalling all seeming aspects of it Self. The mind may now say, "But Self has no attributes." This is true, but keep reading.
This reclaiming "as Consciousness" seems like a "descending," where for years and years there was an appearance of "ascending." Consciousness Is All, means to own everything disowned as Self Dreaming. This includes the familiar character that appears around 7 or 8 A.M. and disappears between 10 or 11 P.M. This seeming Personal Self and all of its aspects is as much "IS" as the stars, planets, galaxies, a garbage can and Muffy our little dog. You say, "But wait - what about when I feel hurt now at age 30 or 40 or 60, and I feel I am 3 or 4 years of age at that moment? Yes, that sensation too, is an aspect, is how Self understands what it feels like to be seemingly a 3 or 4 years old in that fleeting moment of Awareness, Presence, eternity.
Another way of saying this is:
WHAT we are is the changeless AND that which is always changing. WHAT we are is "both/and". We are the changeless "unlimited" Field of Consciousness, in "limits." We begin to see that "Infinite Invisible Awareness" is also "sense matter," AND what is discovered is the blessing of incarnation. The Divine manifesting AS living earth and everything, all inclusive. Or, living earth and everything manifesting IN the Divine. Sweet!
Yes, there is nothing personal in the entire Universe, and we are THAT. Name one thing, just one that you may imagine or "been conditioned to think" is not included in and as Pure Consciousness? Well, include that too!
What a sweet dream, to know that the dream is unfolding right before YOU, the Witnessing Presence, right before the Divine (the dreamer) and what is witnessed is the same Divine One.
So relax, "remember everything happens on its own," then rest in gratitude and grace, and enjoy the ride! Enjoy the SHOW, in and as THAT. Peace and Presence isn't something to attain, it is WHAT YOU ARE! Oh yes, and what every seeming "other" is too.
Having said all this, these words are no more true or untrue than anything else. It is a bunch of squiggles. It is only true or untrue based on YOUR experience AS the One. These "sounds" are only pointers, so that YOU will look and see with an "inner vision" which is always here and available. Knowing is not reading and consuming words...that is the beginning of changing faulty belief systems. True knowing is what you ARE, this moment and this moment. THAT which is reading these words and hearing the sound of the traffic outside. YOU are already THAT!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Field of Being
Having said that, all "the worrisome, future, and past mind" can do is chatter on and on about what "seems to be" based on memory, and conditioned beliefs. It bases its statements on mere assumptions, and repeats something the mind "thinks" it has read about or has been told.
Knowing nothing, "something" here, wants to write about this "Universal Field of Being." This Field that is currently "experienced" as a silent, AWAKE and AWARE Presence. "IT" is experienced as "Aware Consciousness" in the morning immediately upon awakening, and during "present moment awareness" throughout the day. In those moments it is That which is Aware of Itself.
Within this vast Self there seems to be unlimited levels of Consciousness and alternate Realities. What is called "my life" the individuation of this One Power, is a seemingly impersonal composite which exists not separate from the One that IS. This One Life creates "through" all mental vehicles such as this. IT creates consciously, but most often to the the little "personality" unconsciously, moment by creative moment. The thought "my" life is only a momentary dream that appears and disappears "on its own" like everything else. The "story of a separate little me" is never separate from the One Being, being All That Is. The beginning and end of this "story character" is illusory in nature and fueled by thought. "My life" in reality is Totally Impersonal, "my life and your life, is Life, The One Life or One Being." "This" an "Eternal Impersonal Universal Field of Being or Intelligence," is always present and lights the way, vibrates and flows, and creates on every multidimensional level. IT is omni-present, and is a Multidimensional Being. In fact "This" seems to be intergalactic and includes millions and millions, perhaps billions of SYSTEMS, for IT knows no limit except that which IT pretends at some level of pure Being.
Having said all this, it reminds me of the the book that states "The Tao cannot be spoken" and then the author went on to write page after page "about" the Tao. Lets face it, Life is a great mystery and we are not what we appear to be. We are much less and much, much more than can ever be imagine. We are definitely much more than we have been told.
Perhaps "we" as the One Consciousness pretend to have forgotten more than we, as an individuation of the One, can ever remember, but like everything else, it too is by PERFECT DESIGN. "Forgetting" is how the game is played in "this" System of Reality of Consciousness for a while, perhaps eons. But eons to the One is like no time at all, for IT lives in simultaneous Now, timeless Reality. The only One Being that could play such a magical game of "hide and seek" a game of smoke and mirrors is love, pure "genius" Love it SELF, and guess what? "I am That, YOU am That!"
But what do "I" know? Nothing, nothing at all. That which wrote this is "something" that loves to express it Self now and then. This body mind is its puppet and vehicle of expression, while IT knows full well that nothing, absolutely nothing, is what it is named, what it is labeled, what it is called. When all is said and done what is left is silence. Sweet, sweet, Presence or silence, or Pure Awareness, as this moment unfolds before, and within IT. Deep inside, somehow we know that WHAT we are is the essence of Life. This essence is our true nature and is eternal. What we know with all our Being is that all is well. ALL IS WELL!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
It's been read in books that for some the "nagging lower mind" along with its "desires and fears" seems to have dropped away suddenly, and the Light gave them a complete impersonal view, where the sense of "me," fell away forever, leaving only the One. While this "sudden enlightenment hasn't happened" it is pretty damn hard to see the ever changing temporary events of the day anything more than dream-like. There is a background knowing of its illusory nature while noticing the show as its going on, noticing the robot as it moves about, noticing its blabbing away or noticing it sitting in silence, aware of being aware.
Have you noticed, "something" that watches the watching and listens to the listening? This "something" which is no-thing, seems to record, moment by timeless moment. This "something" is more like a feeling, and cannot be spoken of here, it just IS. Whatever This is, IT is of a different Reality, vibration, and plane of existence than the current dream world of atoms, matter, personality, and images of people, places and things.
It seems upon awakening in the A.M. that Consciousness and Energy flows down through the energy centers and brings with it the "play of the day," while personality and conditioning plays its part, and the body plays out its karma. At night it seems as though 99.9% Consciousness and Energy used to "activate the illusion," returns to the Source of All Power and Presence. Everything, day dream, night dream, no dream, just happens on its own, through the Magic of the Super Intelligent Cosmos, and the Love of the One. Since the One is All, that includes what we are now and evermore, unborn, undying IS-ness. As these fingers type, there is a feeling that the more labels used here to described the un-nameable the more hopeless it is.
Silence, beautiful silence seems to be the saving Grace. It is always here, behind, supporting the entire production, and the entire Universe and beyond. This Silence, isn't the silence of "not thinking," it is the "Ground of Being." It is what is writing this script and what is reading it. It seems that without the One Grand Intelligence, MIND, nothing would appear to be coming and going, nothing could appear ever to exist. WHAT WOULD SEE IT? WHAT WOULD UNDERSTAND IT? Note the phrase "it seems" is used to preface any "statement" about Truth? This is because "What" knows, knows, and know It knows. Everything spoken is what "seems" to be.
Everything, including "looking within" just happens on its own.
Don't know why all this has been said tonight. Just sharing I guess. A sharing of Love to Love in the name of Love. The One reads the One writes.
Sometimes there is great joy and bliss, sometimes not. Sometimes energy charges fill this body numerous times in a day, sometimes days not at all. Sometime the mind is quiet, and sometime its a nag. None of it matters. Whatever this "something" is that registers it all, IT remains untouched, or effected by any of the "nonsense."
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
If we are controlled by anything, it is because at some level we have given our permission to the source of misery. We can move beyond any suffering if we free our minds. Look, watch, be aware.
Connect to the Higher Self, then see clearly, create effortlessly, and move with speed and Power.
Remember: You are the observer, the Light, the Awareness itself.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
What is my body? Space Consciousness. What is my face? The eternal smile of Bliss. What is my purpose? To watch, to observe. What is my name? Self. What is my Heart? Silence.
Why react, none of the projection is You is Me? Try - No-comment! Why not see the perfection of the preordained Dance of Consciousness, unfolding as as what "should be" knowing full well that everything is right. Step back, see the unfolding as the illusion that that it is? We can know what we are not. Not the body, not the thoughts, not the situation, not the world. What is left? Peace, Emptiness, Power, Presence, Th Current That Knows the Way, THAT which takes care of it all somehow. What Am I? "I AM THAT!" - "YOU ARE THAT!" :)
What about Problems? There are no problems that thinking does not create. Stay Present, why identify with judgement of any kind? Remain as choiceless, effortless Awareness where non of this is an issue!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Let us honor the wonder of Being, the greatest Being there is, by remaining CONSCIOUSLY awake and aware throughout the day. Lets slow down, keep our Consciousness around the machine, knowing where it is and what it is doing. Lets live knowingly, so that when we leave this vehicle behind, just seconds before, we are awake and aware.
At night in deep sleep, Consciousness, the One, recalls it Self Home, recharges its Self and then extends its Light Self in the outward dream of hallucination, for another seeming day, playing all the parts. EVERYTHING JUST HAPPENS ON ITS OWN. We are the Dreamer, not the Dream.
When "attention" turns "within" for mediation, stillness, each day, it is returning to its Source, to another dimension of Reality. Returning from whence it never left.
In this illusion of split thinking and conditioned beliefs from a little child, it is taught to pray and ask for help from God. Perhaps the only true prayer is to our own Higher Consciousness for greater Light, for more Understanding. All dream jewelery, bank accounts and valuables shall be left behind. It is Light that is of value when the play is over.
Lets give thanks that we are in and of the Light Eternal NOW, every moment of every day. The Light of Creation, Wisdom and Understanding, One no-thing, no object and out of That - everything. :)
Monday, August 31, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
"This" formless mighty power plays all the parts and never loses site of its "All Powerful Self" as the "One Life," the "One Love," the "One Wisdom Voice," and the "One BEING, being You and everything else.
There seems to be no end in regards to this "Holy Introduction" - Self to Self. "This" will use anything to remind it Self "WHAT IT ALREADY KNOWS." It will find a really "stupid behavior" and expose that to the Light to teach discrimination. It would throw one off a cliff, if this is what it takes to recognize WHOLENESS. To recognize the DIVISION-LESS REALITY.
WISDOM is seeing that I am "formless Awareness." LOVE is seeing that this "magical formless Awareness" is everything appearing and changing moment by moment. In the day and night dream this "magical formlessness" takes the shape of EVERYTHING, without exception!
There is no division line between Wisdom and Love. They are One.
There is no separate entity SEEMINGLY "within" OR "without." That which "claims" otherwise is the ego claiming to be the "formless watcher entity," with everything else as "separate from this watcher entity."
Waking up is seeing that "Watching" is a FUNCTION, not a SEPARATE identity. Nothing is separate from formless Life and the form Life takes, here, here and here.
Consciousness is all there is! Consciousness, an Infinite Cosmic Power is Life that shape-shifts into All That Is. There is no name for ALL THAT IS! The "feeling" of THIS is Presence, Aliveness, still impersonal, like everything else AND takes the shape of all "comings and goings, moment by moment."
So what I am, You am, is Cosmic Consciousness, (unlimited formless power) no one thing, yet "I-Consciousness" shape-shifts into everything appearing and disappearing in the day and night dream.
This perspective of Self, of what "IAm" - "YouAm," is Wholeness, is ONE all inclusive DIVISION-LESS REALITY.
The world is illusory
Only Brahman is real
Brahman is the world
So the line between formless Brahman and the world of form does not exist as a substantial line. This is love.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Perhaps seeing that all boundaries, thoughts, beliefs, spiritual or mundane (so called) "my" madness, is waking up to "what is." This madness you could say is what has been going on for eons. How do we know this? Look and see. According to Dr. David Hawkins and his testing...mankind has been at so called physical war 90% of the time. One could say in "dream time."
Where is the boundary line in space? Where is the boundary line in emptiness? Where is the boundary line in stillness. Where are the words that fight with each other in silence? Where is the boundary line in "witnessing" what arises, including all Light and Dark forces?
All boundary lines create a false sense of a "separate entity" who does things, makes "their own" decisions daily, and one who has many stories to tell. Accompanying all "me" stories is a felt sense that "I am this, but I am not that." Perhaps all boundary lines is Creation.
This "opening" that watches or "Presence" negates nothing and identifies as no-thing because it is an "Infinite Field of no-thing," out of which wars are waged and bliss is felt, and watched. An Infinite Field in which bodies seemingly get born and seemingly die. But what about "This" that is aware, right now? There are no boundaries in "This" no sides in "This" - just Awareness Aware. Forces appearing WITHIN and TO Self's empty opening, the container for all Creation. Perhaps one could see that all forces, light and dark, arise from and returns to this "space" and all "boundary lines" arise from and return to this space. This space, is YOU.
Where does this leave us? Nowhere or NOW HERE. No boundary, while all sides wage war on a daily basis, internally and externally...yet both "internal and external" vanish in "This" like everything else. So if this world as we know it, destroys itself, it is no different than "if a world was destroyed in last nights dream." The opening or space in which the "end of the world known to man" took place, and what watched, remained untouched before, during and after the dream. Untouched by the imaginary "boundary lines" created in all dream worlds. Untouched by the dream of "in' here, and "out" there, and the dream of one boundary line called "me" and another boundary line called "you" while BEING, continues being one sweet nothing appearing as something.
When we truly ask God for help in understanding...perhaps the answer is, "there is nothing to understand." Just accept "what is," accept every aspect of the day and night dream world created by imaginary boundaries, Laws of Nature, Cosmic forces within Nature, including the storms and wars themselves, as part of the Divine Play. Perhaps all the impermanence, comes and goes as part of the Perfection of Creativity within the wide-open space of God, Self, isness, that remains eternally. The "imaginary characters" get all riled up as they make this imaginary "me" important "when it is not," they make imaginary life situations important, "which they are not," imaginary doings, important "when they are not" and the "me" story of imaginary "awakening" important "when it is not."
What IS, is. IT, this "opening," "space," is not awake or asleep. Yet it is always Here with what is Here. "Who" is to say Self is not watching several day and night dreams simultaneously. Watching numerous dream worlds just getting created and others ready to destroy themselves. There is no one to know.
Rest here, now, in "not knowing," while the mystery of Creation does its thing "in front" of You, and "within" the "boundrylessness" of YOU, but never "to" YOU.
Friday, August 14, 2009
- The Self that is "not content based," but "Presence based."
- The Self that settles for no less than stillness as its foundation.
- The Self that knows its Self as the Divine container for Life situations on all planes of existence.
- The Self that is pure aliveness Now.
- The Self that is without form, but in which all forms come and go.
- The Self that is pure love and creation.
- The Self that is non-attached to the stuff dreams are made of; people, places and things.
- The Self that stands here, LOOKING, every second fresh and new.
- The Self which has no definitions and is here for one reason and one reason only. That reason is "to know it Self while clothed in its many disguises."
- The Self which brings with it, energy, joy, and spaciousness.
There is a shift and Knowing that this Self will never again sell out for something less than “wakefulness” and full out collision with whatever IT presents in the present moment.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Found this question on the Eckhart Tolle web site, under Community. Read all the answers and discovered little Buddha’s. It blew this consciousness away. The One voice of God, speaking through each clear, brilliant and shining answer.
Here is what this consciousness would have said:
“Beloved, little one, you cannot get lost, no matter how arduous the path, for all paths lead to Now. You will often feel you have lost your way, that you are not of this world, and you are nowhere. I’m here to reassure you that the “nowhere” will become “now here.” You will eventually see that the real You is the formless, eternal, indweller, love itself, now here. You shall discover that You are the space, before, and in between the words “now here.” You are the wonder looking from behind.
You will discover a new aliveness, an energy emerge from deep within that is astounding and powerful. Relax at this point and let it have its way with you. This energy is transformative, it is the energy of God, discovering its Self.
Little one, you are the "One Infinite Voyager, timeless Presence, Life it Self." Not in some future tomorrow, but right here, right now. When your true nature gets discovered by “no one,” then the journey really begins. With this new Light you can see what is getting in your way. It is you. The conditioned you.
This journey is about “letting go of control,” of “going down the rabbit hole” time and time again. Only to discover more mystery, gratitude, and Grace.
And last, I would whisper words like" joy" - "enthusiasm" and "happiness." I would say, “Honey, at some point, these three energies bubble up from within, over and over again, as Self discovers its Eternal Self, day after day.”
The next time you ask yourself, why was I born? Perhaps you might "recall" that you did indeed whisper these things to your Self, that infant, even before she or he was born. In fact, those whispers are why You took this journey once more.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
“This” truly loves whatever it "sees" because it loves it Self. It sees it Self in form. Quantum Physics shows us how the ONE looking creates the vision. The vision and LOOKING are merged. They not only rise together they are One.
If it is all YOU, what is there not to love?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Witnessing Awareness is the container for this moment. The wonder is how Intelligence guides itself Here, in the Present, where joy and quiet happiness is pulsating, circulating throughout all of existence, and felt here in the true impersonal Heart. Every moment is a wonder, a joyous NOT KNOWING. What a mystery.
Today it is recognized that our family is Universal, not a small select spiritual group, (and includes small select spiritual groups) - is global as Universal Consciousness.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
What an adventure indeed !
Home is not locatable like a street address or town. Home becomes the "background" that the "foreground" somehow passes through, as it comes and goes. Everything happening before You, but not to You. "Presence is here, always here. Its embrace is warm and sweet and constant." :-)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Your swift replies to the writings is encouragement "to the little bird on the wire, singing its happy little tune of "Just This."
The little bird does not think, yet the lyrics rush forth all by themselves. The melody moves through the air, through space and the cosmos. Awareness, Aware of Awareness, is the background of each melody.
So thank you dear friend for recognizing - not the instrument, the little bird, but the sweet harmonious vibration of each song. For there is one voice and many tweeters.
Tweet. Tweet.
You are welcome! And I would just add that, at this moment, you don't even need my encouragement, although I'm happy to give it. Your expression stands alone as clear! :)
Thanks Scott. Clear is good to hear. The message sent this morning ended up as today's message on the site. One never knows when, how or where the days message is going to come from or if it will appear at all. Maybe there are other little birds singing their song in the closet, afraid to come out and share it with a passer by. Perhaps they will discover their wings and realize they have always been freedom it Self.