Thursday, November 5, 2009


Eventually, all sense of lack is seen through. It is clear - "I AM." This "I AM" is pure, silent, alive Presence. What is closer than Presence?

It is realized that I am not a personal "doer" and neither is anybody else. There is One Reality here, now. One Field of Consciousness, Divinity it SELF. This means there is..


All such appearances come and go "within" this infinite Field of ATTENTION..."I AM."

Separation called "me" and you, "me" and this, "me" and that vanish. There IS what is parading before YOU (Consciousness) - this effortless AWARENESS, aware of "What IS." Witnessing includes the seeming separate entities and the like. There is no resistance. Should resistance, and all the above re-appear out of no-where "within" YOU (Consciousness) it gets noticed, not touched with importance nor identification and fades away like the transparency it is. All the while YOU are WATCHING. Just as YOU are watching this message being read. The same clairity that wrote this message is within YOU, as YOU.