Thursday, August 13, 2009


If you could have spoken to the "little infant" called you, what would you like to have told her or him in those first few hours after birth?

Found this question on the Eckhart Tolle web site, under Community. Read all the answers and discovered little Buddha’s. It blew this consciousness away. The One voice of God, speaking through each clear, brilliant and shining answer.

Here is what this consciousness would have said:

“Beloved, little one, you cannot get lost, no matter how arduous the path, for all paths lead to Now. You will often feel you have lost your way, that you are not of this world, and you are nowhere. I’m here to reassure you that the “nowhere” will become “now here.” You will eventually see that the real You is the formless, eternal, indweller, love itself, now here. You shall discover that You are the space, before, and in between the words “now here.” You are the wonder looking from behind.

You will discover a new aliveness, an energy emerge from deep within that is astounding and powerful. Relax at this point and let it have its way with you. This energy is transformative, it is the energy of God, discovering its Self.

Little one, you are the "One Infinite Voyager, timeless Presence, Life it Self." Not in some future tomorrow, but right here, right now. When your true nature gets discovered by “no one,” then the journey really begins. With this new Light you can see what is getting in your way. It is you. The conditioned you.

This journey is about “letting go of control,” of “going down the rabbit hole” time and time again. Only to discover more mystery, gratitude, and Grace.

And last, I would whisper words like" joy" - "enthusiasm" and "happiness." I would say, “Honey, at some point, these three energies bubble up from within, over and over again, as Self discovers its Eternal Self, day after day.”

The next time you ask yourself, why was I born? Perhaps you might "recall" that you did indeed whisper these things to your Self, that infant, even before she or he was born. In fact, those whispers are why You took this journey once more.