Monday, December 7, 2009


This language remains when death occurs. What is death? Death is when the idea - "I am a body" goes away.

In fact, this silent language of presence or witnessing awareness is what remains NOW, before an idea gets created, once it gets created and witnessed, and when it goes away. The same is true for feelings, sensations and everything else!

Witnessing awareness never moves or goes away. This universal intelligence, or witnessing awareness was present at the birth of the dream called "me and my life" and is present as such "ideas" are clearly seen as a stream of pure energy, a current or flow.

This non-claiming witnessing awareness is what watches and listens. IT, He, Life, Creator, or Dreamer is the Great Note Taker and registers all.

The language of universal witnessing awareness is a silent language. Our true language is a silent language, we are One.