Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Isn't it beautiful that "what" we are all One, NOW! One what? Many words are used, but never describe the wonder of the Light of Creation, Wisdom and Understanding, this current underlying All. And we are That, and everything is That. The hypnosis of two in dream time is a mystery. Each pretend character is unique like a snowflake, no two exactly alike, but that character is not "what" we are. All of these words is "not knowing" just gibberish, really. Can we tell another what the fragrance of a rose smells like?

Let us honor the wonder of Being, the greatest Being there is, by remaining CONSCIOUSLY awake and aware throughout the day. Lets slow down, keep our Consciousness around the machine, knowing where it is and what it is doing. Lets live knowingly, so that when we leave this vehicle behind, just seconds before, we are awake and aware.

At night in deep sleep, Consciousness, the One, recalls it Self Home, recharges its Self and then extends its Light Self in the outward dream of hallucination, for another seeming day, playing all the parts. EVERYTHING JUST HAPPENS ON ITS OWN. We are the Dreamer, not the Dream.

When "attention" turns "within" for mediation, stillness, each day, it is returning to its Source, to another dimension of Reality. Returning from whence it never left.

In this illusion of split thinking and conditioned beliefs from a little child, it is taught to pray and ask for help from God. Perhaps the only true prayer is to our own Higher Consciousness for greater Light, for more Understanding. All dream jewelery, bank accounts and valuables shall be left behind. It is Light that is of value when the play is over.

Lets give thanks that we are in and of the Light Eternal NOW, every moment of every day. The Light of Creation, Wisdom and Understanding, One no-thing, no object and out of That - everything. :)