Monday, August 31, 2009


Surrender all worry to the Self and see what happens. Why not? Perhaps a deepening in the Spiritual Heart of Silence will reveal its ever present "silent view" as it watches the body sit in mediation and slowly walk down the hall. Watching is Present as the body moves in stillness from one activity to another. The toast gets eaten, the e-mails get answered, and a shower gets taken. In "This" there is a sweet flow, a current that is trustworthy. "This" Knows The Way. Surrender even the busy, insane, planning, evaluating, scheming, manipulating, thinking machine. What has this fear based mechanism ever done for You? If thinking is to "be of service" to this "current," it will be used "in the moment" effortlessly like everything else. Otherwise, let it rest in the Silence of Being.

If you find your Self being pulled
more and more often into the cave of the Silent Spiritual Heart,
it is your Self falling in love with its Self.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


It is amazing how the "One Consciousness" orchestrates its own "introduction" to it Self in the day dream and or night dream. (Did not use the term "wake-up" for "This" is not asleep or awake, "This" just IS).

"This" formless mighty power plays all the parts and never loses site of its "All Powerful Self" as the "One Life," the "One Love," the "One Wisdom Voice," and the "One BEING, being You and everything else.

There seems to be no end in regards to this "Holy Introduction" - Self to Self. "This" will use anything to remind it Self "WHAT IT ALREADY KNOWS." It will find a really "stupid behavior" and expose that to the Light to teach discrimination. It would throw one off a cliff, if this is what it takes to recognize WHOLENESS. To recognize the DIVISION-LESS REALITY.


In “other” words:

WISDOM is seeing that I am "formless Awareness." LOVE is seeing that this "magical formless Awareness" is everything appearing and changing moment by moment. In the day and night dream this "magical formlessness" takes the shape of EVERYTHING, without exception!

There is no division line between Wisdom and Love. They are One.

There is no separate entity SEEMINGLY "within" OR "without." That which "claims" otherwise is the ego claiming to be the "formless watcher entity," with everything else as "separate from this watcher entity."

Waking up is seeing that "Watching" is a FUNCTION, not a SEPARATE identity. Nothing is separate from formless Life and the form Life takes, here, here and here.

Consciousness is all there is! Consciousness, an Infinite Cosmic Power is Life that shape-shifts into All That Is. There is no name for ALL THAT IS! The "feeling" of THIS is Presence, Aliveness, still impersonal, like everything else AND takes the shape of all "comings and goings, moment by moment."

So what I am, You am, is Cosmic Consciousness, (unlimited formless power) no one thing, yet "I-Consciousness" shape-shifts into everything appearing and disappearing in the day and night dream.

This perspective of Self, of what "IAm" - "YouAm," is Wholeness, is ONE all inclusive DIVISION-LESS REALITY.

The world is illusory
Only Brahman is real
Brahman is the world

So the line between formless Brahman and the world of form does not exist as a substantial line. This is love.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


"It seems that all that is ever happening is God, or Totality dreaming the dream. It is God's play. Life would not be life if there were not the Light and the Dark, positive and negative on every plane of Existence. Both serve the Light of Creation in God's game of dreaming, while the Creator remains untouched. It is all impersonal, form, formlessness, forces dancing in the Light of Awareness. As Consciousness, we are both the dancer and the Light of Awareness that enjoys to show. The confusion and the resistance comes from wanting be other than "This." Humility isn't valued in the dream called "today's dream world" but, humility along with Light, is all that is valued beyond "today's dream world." So it gets back to Resting IN and AS Awareness," and nothing else. Letting the dream play itself out however it is meant to play out."


Every concept is a boundary line, every idea is a boundary line, one thought then goes to war over another thought. Thought switches sides. You could say "mother's" thoughts fighting with "Fathers" thoughts and then the thought (boundary line) "these are "my" thoughts kicks in." Then "my" thoughts vs. "your" thoughts...madness. To resist madness, that too is clearly seen as more madness. Then add the 10,000 spiritual beliefs about reality and non-reality, Advita vs. Christianity, boundaries, more war. Perhaps all this madness is really just Creation?

Perhaps seeing that all boundaries, thoughts, beliefs, spiritual or mundane (so called) "my" madness, is waking up to "what is." This madness you could say is what has been going on for eons. How do we know this? Look and see. According to Dr. David Hawkins and his testing...mankind has been at so called physical war 90% of the time. One could say in "dream time."

Where is the boundary line in space? Where is the boundary line in emptiness? Where is the boundary line in stillness. Where are the words that fight with each other in silence? Where is the boundary line in "witnessing" what arises, including all Light and Dark forces?

All boundary lines create a false sense of a "separate entity" who does things, makes "their own" decisions daily, and one who has many stories to tell. Accompanying all "me" stories is a felt sense that "I am this, but I am not that." Perhaps all boundary lines is Creation.

This "opening" that watches or "Presence" negates nothing and identifies as no-thing because it is an "Infinite Field of no-thing," out of which wars are waged and bliss is felt, and watched. An Infinite Field in which bodies seemingly get born and seemingly die. But what about "This" that is aware, right now? There are no boundaries in "This" no sides in "This" - just Awareness Aware. Forces appearing WITHIN and TO Self's empty opening, the container for all Creation. Perhaps one could see that all forces, light and dark, arise from and returns to this "space" and all "boundary lines" arise from and return to this space. This space, is YOU.

Where does this leave us? Nowhere or NOW HERE. No boundary, while all sides wage war on a daily basis, internally and externally...yet both "internal and external" vanish in "This" like everything else. So if this world as we know it, destroys itself, it is no different than "if a world was destroyed in last nights dream." The opening or space in which the "end of the world known to man" took place, and what watched, remained untouched before, during and after the dream. Untouched by the imaginary "boundary lines" created in all dream worlds. Untouched by the dream of "in' here, and "out" there, and the dream of one boundary line called "me" and another boundary line called "you" while BEING, continues being one sweet nothing appearing as something.

When we truly ask God for help in understanding...perhaps the answer is, "there is nothing to understand." Just accept "what is," accept every aspect of the day and night dream world created by imaginary boundaries, Laws of Nature, Cosmic forces within Nature, including the storms and wars themselves, as part of the Divine Play. Perhaps all the impermanence, comes and goes as part of the Perfection of Creativity within the wide-open space of God, Self, isness, that remains eternally. The "imaginary characters" get all riled up as they make this imaginary "me" important "when it is not," they make imaginary life situations important, "which they are not," imaginary doings, important "when they are not" and the "me" story of imaginary "awakening" important "when it is not."

What IS, is. IT, this "opening," "space," is not awake or asleep. Yet it is always Here with what is Here. "Who" is to say Self is not watching several day and night dreams simultaneously. Watching numerous dream worlds just getting created and others ready to destroy themselves. There is no one to know.

Rest here, now, in "not knowing," while the mystery of Creation does its thing "in front" of You, and "within" the "boundrylessness" of YOU, but never "to" YOU.

Friday, August 14, 2009


What Self?
  • The Self that is "not content based," but "Presence based."
  • The Self that settles for no less than stillness as its foundation.
  • The Self that knows its Self as the Divine container for Life situations on all planes of existence.
  • The Self that is pure aliveness Now.
  • The Self that is without form, but in which all forms come and go.
  • The Self that is pure love and creation.
  • The Self that is non-attached to the stuff dreams are made of; people, places and things.
  • The Self that stands here, LOOKING, every second fresh and new.
  • The Self which has no definitions and is here for one reason and one reason only. That reason is "to know it Self while clothed in its many disguises."
  • The Self which brings with it, energy, joy, and spaciousness.

There is a shift and Knowing that this Self will never again sell out for something less than “wakefulness” and full out collision with whatever IT presents in the present moment.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


If you could have spoken to the "little infant" called you, what would you like to have told her or him in those first few hours after birth?

Found this question on the Eckhart Tolle web site, under Community. Read all the answers and discovered little Buddha’s. It blew this consciousness away. The One voice of God, speaking through each clear, brilliant and shining answer.

Here is what this consciousness would have said:

“Beloved, little one, you cannot get lost, no matter how arduous the path, for all paths lead to Now. You will often feel you have lost your way, that you are not of this world, and you are nowhere. I’m here to reassure you that the “nowhere” will become “now here.” You will eventually see that the real You is the formless, eternal, indweller, love itself, now here. You shall discover that You are the space, before, and in between the words “now here.” You are the wonder looking from behind.

You will discover a new aliveness, an energy emerge from deep within that is astounding and powerful. Relax at this point and let it have its way with you. This energy is transformative, it is the energy of God, discovering its Self.

Little one, you are the "One Infinite Voyager, timeless Presence, Life it Self." Not in some future tomorrow, but right here, right now. When your true nature gets discovered by “no one,” then the journey really begins. With this new Light you can see what is getting in your way. It is you. The conditioned you.

This journey is about “letting go of control,” of “going down the rabbit hole” time and time again. Only to discover more mystery, gratitude, and Grace.

And last, I would whisper words like" joy" - "enthusiasm" and "happiness." I would say, “Honey, at some point, these three energies bubble up from within, over and over again, as Self discovers its Eternal Self, day after day.”

The next time you ask yourself, why was I born? Perhaps you might "recall" that you did indeed whisper these things to your Self, that infant, even before she or he was born. In fact, those whispers are why You took this journey once more.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


This feeling Presence that is "LOOKING" - this "WONDER" is always here. It never leaves! If IT should leave, the world of form vanishes. All we have to do is rest, relax, "be the opening," LET-GO, as Self knows its Self - here, now.

“This” truly loves whatever it "sees" because it loves it Self. It sees it Self in form. Quantum Physics shows us how the ONE looking creates the vision. The vision and LOOKING are merged. They not only rise together they are One.

If it is all YOU, what is there not to love?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Not alone. What a wonderful feel to these sounds, not alone. It is nice to be able to connect with these messages something that wants to be shared while "not knowing" why?

Witnessing Awareness is the container for this moment. The wonder is how Intelligence guides itself Here, in the Present, where joy and quiet happiness is pulsating, circulating throughout all of existence, and felt here in the true impersonal Heart. Every moment is a wonder, a joyous NOT KNOWING. What a mystery.

Today it is recognized that our family is Universal, not a small select spiritual group, (and includes small select spiritual groups) - is global as Universal Consciousness.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


The Adventure of SELF Discovering it SELF
What an adventure indeed !

Every moment this adventure takes its attention "backward" and "inward." It watches the thoughts, the emotions, energy moving through the heart as it remains open or closes, the this and the that.

The faces or masks seem more like one dimensional cardboard images. All images seem like a building with a fake front as in the movies. From the outside it looks like a building, but go around to the backside and all you see are a few boards holding the storefront up. No real building there. "No separate person there or here." Just the flow of atoms through time and space. Love expressing itself as “This.”

It is what is "behind" and what is "looking"
that is the wonder!

Love called silence and stillness is home. The eyes are open, action seems to take place, everyday life happens (still more wonder) the heart is full, and the forces are flowing. The silence and the stillness are always here. All is well. All is well!

Home is not locatable like a street address or town. Home becomes the "background" that the "foreground" somehow passes through, as it comes and goes. Everything happening before You, but not to You. "Presence is here, always here. Its embrace is warm and sweet and constant." :-)

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Dear Scott,
Your swift replies to the writings is encouragement "to the little bird on the wire, singing its happy little tune of "Just This."

The little bird does not think, yet the lyrics rush forth all by themselves. The melody moves through the air, through space and the cosmos. Awareness, Aware of Awareness, is the background of each melody.

So thank you dear friend for recognizing - not the instrument, the little bird, but the sweet harmonious vibration of each song. For there is one voice and many tweeters.

Tweet. Tweet.


You are welcome! And I would just add that, at this moment, you don't even need my encouragement, although I'm happy to give it. Your expression stands alone as clear! :)


Thanks Scott. Clear is good to hear. The message sent this morning ended up as today's message on the site. One never knows when, how or where the days message is going to come from or if it will appear at all. Maybe there are other little birds singing their song in the closet, afraid to come out and share it with a passer by. Perhaps they will discover their wings and realize they have always been freedom it Self.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


The “personal inner voice mechanism” has a serious virus!
The message "There is nothing personal" got erased."
The mechanical “FAST FOREWORD” and “REWIND” systems,
called “me and you”-
past/memory and future/imagination functions are to be IGNORED!

These functions are faulty and unreliable.


Scott Kiloby added the following comment to something sent to him via e-mail this morning:

On the way to work, it occurred to me that if I sat in front of the camera and drew a picture of a "me," and held it up, everyone would get that the image cannot listen, it does not hear, it is not alive, it doesn't see. So, therefore, no image in the mind, no matter how enlightened or how much it seems to refer to a me....can hear, touch, taste, live, breathe, listen. :)

Comment and response:

Yes. There is no "solid body," with a label or name "doing" anything. JUST A PICTURE BEING HELD UP TO THE CAMERA. You could say, seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, living, feeling, and listening, happens in "space" or in "Intelligent Consciousness" which is non-local. Everywhere and no "one" where. The body is an image appearing in one flash and not appearing in another flash. All appearances happen spontaneously in and to this Super Intelligent "place-less place" where "descriptions" do not apply. All descriptions are distortions of one level or another. Realty cannot be understood with the limited personal mind, for the limited personal mind is also an illusion. :-)

Scott's reply:

Yes, :-)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Something unnameable
watches "some things" once named - without naming.
This is the unlimited possibility right here and right now.
Watching, while "un-knowing" is a beautiful mystery.
"This" is always the invitation.
Perhaps something unnameable, watches the watching,
and something also unnameable watches "that" watching.
It is like living in a multidImensional fish bowl.
As a fish you are always looking for the water.
As the water, the fish, the bowl and the space,
You are always just looking.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


We can go our own way, not looking backward nor forward, but ALIVE, PRESENT, CLEAR and UNTOUCHED by whatever moves “in front” and “through” us.

We can remain grateful for the experiences (energies, forces and vibrations) that continually "arise" and "fall" away!"

We need not fight the Personal Mind, we know we can't win. Gently we let it go and ignore it.

If our heart closes, IMMEDIATELY we can "Relax, Release, Rest in AWARENESS," and start again "watching" the show.

Life is a glorious Gift. We can be grateful and love all equally.

Why not be happy, no matter what? No one can take UNCONDITIONAL HAPPINESS away from us. Such happiness even feels like our natural state!



(The words "we" and "us" do not mean "body" they mean Consciousness!)