Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The eternal fountain of ever flowing from I AM to it Self in streams of Love and Light.

Have you been too outwardly focused to notice? Have you loved the story of me, or him or her, more than the truth of unending joy?

Have you identified with the voices instead of the Voice?

Then stop. Just stop. Keep quiet and listen. That silence is YOU. Your own vast identity beyond anything this so called world of glamour can offer.

This silence wants to speak through the vehicles IT creates, but the personality thinks it self "all important." The personality has a place in communication but only for commerce, not for relationship. To have a relationship there must be "two." That's the illusion.

Wake up to "the One, the Only, the Power that is YOU" and everything else!

The eternal fountain of ever flowing from I AM to it Self in streams of Love and Light.

Notice IT in the trees and flowers of Spring, the warm sun and the dark shadows. Catch a glimpse of IT in the newborn baby and the old man down the street. Notice IT in the eyes of a little innocent child or a puppy, and most of all...notice it "within" and as YOU.