Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Some 40 years ago i saw this poster and it's words never left me. It was a picture of a still lake and colorful Autumn leaves reflecting in the water. The words under the picture were "SILENCE IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM." It is being seen that This SILENCE (that I Am, You am) reflects a life that is lived from the Heart. A life that is responsive, rather than reactive. This is not an act of Will, but of Consciousness and Openness. It is about integration. When unpleasant, uncomfortable feelings come a calling, it is Wisdom to welcome them in, offer them tea, and let them leave of their own accord. Then give thanks for the visitor, for the gift they have left is unspeakable. Somehow, one more 'emotional signature' has been integrated into the Whole. The effect is a conscious return to vibrational awareness, to Presence. Let go of effort. The HOW belongs to the Source of All Life. This vibrational awareness is the integrating factor in the bodies of emotional awareness, mental awareness and physical awareness. An integration much needed on the planet at this time.