Monday, January 4, 2010


Each present, past or future thought story of "what is," "what was," and "what will be" is SUSPECT. Each mentalization comes from the egoic or spiritual egoic thought machine or Matrix which stems from an under "lying" need for control and comfort.

These days, every "feeling" is felt and allowed to move through AWARENESS. Especially the uncomfortable and unfamiliar feelings! Blocked emotional energy transforms into energy in motion. This is not easy. The purpose? Transformation from "pretense" to powerful PRESENCE.

Life lives it is as it is. Momentary looking, listening and feeling happen. Something "unspeakable" knows HOW this is.

When Silent Stillness, or "what is present to something," CONSCIOUSLY lives this life, then THAT is what You are.

The only thing for certain these days, is that absolutely nothing is certain. All these words are also suspect.

Last but not least, is gratitude for this "uncertainty."