Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Why not hang out in the Self. JUST LET THINGS GO BY. That's what Pure Consciousness does, in the moment, it lets everything parade before it. THIS IS YOUR NATURAL STATE!

The "human condition" includes "all" arising energies. Even those the mind has learned to call "lower energies" - shame, guilt, apathy, grief, anger, and pride are levels of Consciousness. These are OK and allowed in the spirit of witnessing Presence. The key is to use the Will consciously. When you feel the pull, and the tightness, the hurt, the craving, the jealousy, you immediately relax, let go, and allow the energy to be (without being sucked in or forward). Instantly you "consciously move attention back behind it." THEN SOMETHING NEW GETS DISCOVERED. Before long, confidence in Presence increases. You know you can rest in awareness no matter what! Fear of these energies was a lie! They have no power of their own. Now, we have Presence, conscious Presence. A new lens on the camera, makes everything clear.

What about physical pain. My experience is this is no different. Various aches and pains may come with the body ageing. So what? It is effortlessly "witnessed." Not as "pain to be afraid of" but, simply a "momentary sensation." It is witnessed as here, and gone. Then forgotten. You remain AWARE, behind and free. There is nothing that can throw you off after a while. Whatever "appears" - PARADES BY, comes into awareness, the shoulders and heart relax. You automatically let go of all bodily tension, and "fall back" witnessing What Is, MOMENTARILY as part of the flow.

You might ask say, "But the mind. It won't shut up. It says mean things, it says nice things. I must be the nice things." Wait. Like feelings (energies) and bodily sensations (energies) see if you are any of the thoughts (energies) around mean or nice. DON'T LISTEN. Even spiritual thoughts, are just thoughts. With investigation, the thoughts come and go, do they not? They are not You, Witnessing Consciousness. You are of another dimension all together. A dimension that gets to watch the flow of energies do their thing. As Pure Energy and Pure Consciousness they have there being within emptiness, cognitive Consciousness. It is Consciousness which becomes aware of them, which shines the light of awareness on them, for they belong to the One Source of everything.

So experiment. Rest, relax IN and AS "what you are." Here, always here.

You see, Consciousness INCLUDES all appearances. Why? Because in essence everything is Consciousness and Energy, the nature of Reality, Oneness, Onlyness. You are safe. You have always been safe. Nothing can harm You, nothing can hurt You. You are formless, empty, alive and aware. How sweet is this - That which WATCHES moment by moment. That which relaxes and enjoys the parade of thoughts/feelings, sensations, and objects? It's your own sweetness. So start now, relax, allow awareness, attention, to "fall back" into its own loving arms of Presence. Again and again. This field doesn't move. All of those appearances move within It. See? So inwardly STAY HOME even when you are "out and about" in the world of appearances.

Or rather, it could be said,"Stay home even when"out and about" is within in You.

What you used to be afraid of is transmuted. Even death. That which watches is eternal, is ever present and is You, unborn, right here, right now. It experiences watching, listening, feeling and is forever whole, complete and yes, yes, yes, remember You are That.

IMPORTANT TO NOTICE: As YOU are aware of the seeming mental/emotional or physical "discomfort," ENERGIES - immediately be aware of the "urge to fix it!" Don't touch it! Remember, YOU remain within the Self, YOU WATCH. What YOU are watching is the "Dance of Creation" i.e. energies taking various forms, thoughts, feelings, sensations and powerful forces. YOU are not in Creation. Creation is in YOU. The Power of the Self, in neutral watching, is always more powerful than any power in Creation.