Monday, July 20, 2009


This was an e-mail to my dear friend and mentor Scott Kiloby. Then came the urge to add the text to this site. His response is at the end of the text. As he often does, he will pull out a few lines from an e-mail and comment on it.

(It was at Scott's suggestion that this blog get started in the first place. Will be forever grateful for his support, encouragement and love. This is called GRACE).

The discovery yesterday is that this Presence/Peace/Quiet Space has a depth to its "here/now" observing. Just sitting in a back room alone, the walls seem clearer, the carpet softer with lovely texture and light, and the details gently, wordlessly are in wider focus. The body spends more time on the porch alone, drawn to quiet (just Being). There are less meaningless comments and assumptions. Memory may throw up a response on the screen to a situation, but something sees the lack of Truth in the statement and remains quiet. Also in e-mails, the mind may go off on a tangent telling tails of a personal life to a family member about this and that, and about half-way threw, the impulse is to delete and stick only to the facts. Personal story seems a farce, but if appropriate, it is used as a social tool for communications.

There is this sense of following a lover into the mystery of life, with words and without words, its all the same. One flow, just here in the "sweetness" of the unknown. Yes, fully here and yet there is indeed a wonder of what will show up next in this movie. The last report is the relaxation, what previously was called an "Ease of Being." Should old resistance appear, they are witnessed and surrendered to the formless God like Power. Everything just happening on its own.


Scott selected the following paragraph from the above e-mail to comment on:
"Also in e-mails, the mind may go off on a tangent telling tails of a personal life to a family member about this and that, and about half-way through, the impulse is to delete and stick only to the facts (done). Personal story seems a farce, but if appropriate, it is used as a social tool for communications."

Scott's reply:
That's my sense too, that the personal story is not pushed away, but it is seen as appearance, coming and going, and therefore not substantial, and not "me" in the deepest sense, but never is it excluded or denied like some kind of a disease. There is something about that seeing that allows whatever fixated or pathological aspects of the story to sort of gently fall away on their own, without effort. Yes put a picture up. Why not?