Saturday, July 17, 2010


Ordinary mankind identifies with every thought and an aging body.
Each believes they are born of flesh and will die. They live exclusively
in time.

The Superhuman is aware, Present and stands lovingly non-attached
to rust and dust. Identification is with the Light, with the Life Force,
Consciousness and Energy within all things, with the Eternal, the
Lord of the Light and Darkness.

The "limited ego thought/feeling" is an energy that is very strong
and has darkness within it. However, the mind of ignorance is not
stronger than it's Source, the very Life Force of existence.

The path of the egoic mind is one of addiction and destruction.
The path of the Heart of God is one of love, peace, sharing and
Selfless observation; our true nature, our original Self.

One is Hell, based on differences, the other is Heaven, based on
Oneness. Hell carries fear, uncertainty and anger, Heaven carries
an emptiness, a sweet silence, within which, enthusiasm, joy and
energy spontaneously arise.

Now is the hour, now is the choice. Heaven or Hell is here where
we stand in Consciousness. We seem to choose as though the
quality of our life depended on it, for it does.

As a band of Light Workers we WATCH and remain timeless.
We come together to celebrate in community and remain of good
cheer. We carry a light heart, for we, and our brothers and sisters
are not what we appear to be.

And so, as a spark of the same Creative Substance, the Lord of
the Universe, we know that all the power that ever was or ever will
be is here now. At last, we stop having all the answers. For it is in
wonder and awe, humility and not knowing, that we find our place
and our identity in "That Which Knows."