Wednesday, July 21, 2010


The ride of Consciousness and Energy is fun, impersonal, joy-filled, amazing, simple, happy, and, and, and.........ya never know what this moment will create within you; YOU space and Seeing. I do know that gratitude and wonder expand along with the Presence of Awareness.

Everything is included in the loving essence that we all Are. Separation never existed. We treat others as our Self, for kindness, and gentleness is the Self. The Heart is touched in a special way with every interaction. We see the beauty of Self everywhere we turn and amazingly IT begins to live You consciously and tenderly. We see our human limitations and love what we are in spite of them. Maybe even more because of them. We know they belong to the SELF, The Force, and add to the richness of Life.

Vulnerability is a sweetness one comes to embrace for there is no end to the surprises this humble opening pulls to it Self. Where there was fear, now is enthusiasm, and where there was a person, now there is mystery.