Saturday, October 31, 2009


"This" - One Will, One Love, One Life, is the only constant. Everything comes and goes within and because of "This" constant Reality.

The "dream characters" may appear to have many flaws or shortcomings, but the characters are no more real than those appearing on the movie screen at the cinema.

So what watches? "This" the One Will, One Love, One Life, WHAT ELSE? There is only One Reality, not two. "This" is never born and never dies.

What gets born and what dies?
Appearances. Here. Gone. Here. Gone. The appearance of what is, is not what YOU are!

All is well! The entire globe could be wiped clean, yet all is well. A stronger, more peace filled species could take its place. It all occurs within Consciousness. Appearances seemingly real, but not real. The One Will, One Love, One Life is untouched by appearances.

But what about this "new earth" this new beginning we keep hearing about? This is within the movie. Perhaps the "new earth" new beginning is a species now appearing to walk the earth. A species that has glimpsed the "Great Spirit" the One Will, One Love, One Life. They rest in Peace, in Presence, in the Heart of the One. Just perhaps, Homosapiens (humans) get transformed into a new species called "Homospiritous." Everything is possible in this One Reality.

Friday, October 30, 2009


It was realized today that there is but "One Will" - period.

The "One Will" cannot be fathomed in the "limited" minds imagination, for the mind itself is of the imagination of the "One Will." The unlimited nature of this "One Will" can only be witnessed as immense diversity, and creativity. Not only the diversity in this so called world, but in ALL worlds, ALL worlds within worlds and beyond the behold. It is impossible to imagine such an IMAGINATION.

This "One Will" is of such pure power that there is no way of comprehending IT's immensity. The love of this "One Will" is so full, that there is no way of understanding IT's depth, and IT's love without end. This love is without judgment, without blame, and without cause. Every time there is a feeling of love and compassion for a loved one, a friend or another, it is this "One Will!" Such is its overflowing.

Yes, there is but "One Will, One Life." In "THIS" we rest, give all gratitude, all love, and all humbleness to.

I was trying to put into words this "One Will" at dinner to my beloved husband and I was overwhelmed with emotion, wonder and tears as words tried to express the ALL INCLUSIVE POWER AND LOVE OF 'THIS" ONE. How do you express ALL there ever will be, all there ever can be, and all there IS?

A great teacher whom is the most respected above all, is not known for expressing emotion. Once he said, "THIS" BEING, brings me to tears." And now there is a heart felt understanding of what he might have meant. Just to glimpse IT's Greatness, IT's Power, IT's Love, IT's TOTALITY, brings one to tears, and to ones knees.

In "THIS" i give my live, for IT - is my life. I give my every breath, for IT - is my every breath. I give my every desire, for IT - is my every desire. In "THIS" i give everything, for IT is everything, for i am nothing. IT causes such gratitude, humility and love this ...ONE WILL.

There is "not two" anywhere in all of Creation. One only. It is the "one" that uses these physical senses and electrical impulses, like a great Master flutist. IT plays IT's music of Creation, everywhere Present, as ALL Power, All Knowing, and ALL Being.



Tuesday, October 27, 2009


What do you do? You, Tom, Mary, Jane, or whatever mis-identification applies...what do you do?

Were you ever born? Or did the "image" and the "story" which you did not create or maintain keep changing like everything else?

What do you do to make the room appear each morning? What do you do to maintain the heart rate, and blood pressure while you vanish each night?

Do you, "mis-identification" know your next thought, or if the room will appear in the next second?

What did you do that you can take credit or the blame for? Didn't that judgmental thought come out of no where? Didn't that appointment you forgot just happen?

The only real question, one that you must answer is:

The only answer..NOTHING!
"YOU watch! YOU not you!

(What is most interesting, is the false "you" can be described by use of memory and imagination. YOU, the real YOU, is beyond memory and imagination and yet is everything, and includes all functionality! The thinking mind cannot go beyond its functioning. So keep still, and WATCH!)


Thought can only take you as far as thought can go
Feeling can only take you as far a feeling can go

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


What if you were indestructible some day?
What if in the future, you were invisible and nothing could harm you?
What if you had never been born, and therefore could never die?
What if that someday were “here” and the future were “now?”

How would you live? FREE

YOU, as your true Self “here” and “now” IS indestructible, invisible,
unborn and undying?

What does that make you? FEARLESS


Tuesday, October 20, 2009


There are a couple of friends who say, "Don't stop writing". So the writing continues. Sometimes it seems impossible. Words, words, and more words - while the Presence is behind all of them. In truth, keeping quiet is the best advice. Still writing happens.

It is true that the separate someone that used to be so "darn important" just isn't anymore. In fact, she was only part of the universal game of make believe. When one really looks, there is no 'me' to be found. I don't know about anything, really. Action happens, life happens on its own. The truth of any action is the stillness behind it.

Love is not any different than anything else. It's not a doing. A picture of a dear friend pops up on the screen of the mind, maybe their smile, blue eyes and gentle face, and love pours in, effortlessly.

The only thing that seems certain is this:

Something unchanging "sees" its handy work, now, now and now. That "something" is not mortal, nor hurt-able, not fragmented, nor born.


Somehow the "handy work" and "looking/seeing" are married. Perhaps this is the Divine Marriage. The only problem, if there is such a thing, is the lower self, or lower mind. It is like "an old abusive lover" now seen for what they truly are, yet he/she still shows up to cause havoc in the marriage. A wise lover of Reality, remains aloof, and ignores the "interference." The old abusive lover is like bad company that comes to visit. If "ignored" they will soon leave.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


is a full out collision with WHAT IS
without the distortion of the mind

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Any words on this post or any other obscures and distorts, because they are of the mind. You are "That" which is "aware of" obscurities and distortions and everything else. Without You to be "aware of," nothing exists. What this You is, cannot be touched by the mind.
Give up!

Friday, October 16, 2009




One Being, being it All. Being is neutral. It’s all the same. One silent, invisible, thought free space appearing to it Self, as All That Is, in the day dream, night dream and non-dreaming state. There is nothing separate from “This”…..there is no “doer” no “little separate entity” behind it all. It is One movement, One Power, One Space, One Light, One Force, unborn and undying. This Force lets every appearance parade before it, untouched by the shadows, smoke and mirrors. “This” is always available. If something other than peace and this silent, invisible, thought free space of joy is valued, it is because of some egoic pleasure or payoff. “This” joy and peace is your natural state.


Rest in Being

Rest in Awareness

Rest BEHIND as the Observing Presence of SELF

Awareness, Presence, Objects, Appearances, Life, all SELF

The One Force that enlivens all of the fields of experiences


What these labels are pointing to is not a "doing"

This Force is always fully Present and Alive

here, here, and here


You may find your true nature is "simple" Joy and Peace

with no where to go, and nothing to get

Thursday, October 15, 2009



Who is Toni? A fictitious character that appears to do things and is nothing but an appearance. The persona continues to do what it does, it just isn't my identity anymore. Do I have an identity? I don't know? I Am. That's it. The rest is a story. The story is fine as long as I do not take it to be more than it is. Everything happens on its own. No problems exists unless there is an identification with the thinking mind and its version of a problem.

It isn't easy to put this into words. Silence, Awareness, Presence, Emptiness speaks volumes. The rest is a play with words.

Life is so simple, lots, and lots of space. What is "here,"and what is aware of "here" is all One. No separation anywhere.


E-mail from Scott:

In a message dated 10/15/2009 2:39:47 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

It isn't easy to put this into words.

You just did. Just trust that completely. In fact, there is no Toni to trust that completely. You are that completely. You said it. I am THAT. Our whole lives we were trying to make it more difficult than it really is. :) I that email because it is really lovely

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


There is a book out there by Dr. David R. Hawkins called "The Eye of the I". For years the meaning of that title was unclear.

Currently, it seems to point to a "shift in identity." Let me explain.

The "EYE" is what "I" Am, "You" Am - as AWARENESS. (Not "my" or "your" Awareness, just Awareness it self.) And the "I"- is the Source of that Awareness and THE SOURCE OF EVERYTHING/All Power. This Source or Everything, is what Dr. Hawkins refers to as the "I" or "the Great Oz." Other common labels for "I" is God, Consciousness, and the Universe. All of which is really the Nameless as Unconditional Love, Total Consciousness or Source. These too are just words, sounds, pointing to "That."

We once thought we were the body, thoughts, and intellect (BTI). But as identity changes, BTI runs beautifully on its own (as it always has). The identity change is that of Awareness, Presence, Silence, or Space. We are at home as "That" which watches the Reality of "What Is" - here, here, and here.
What becomes comical is the little Ego. The Ego is seen as being made up of nothing more than thoughts. The thoughts kept saying that there was a "separate entity," called "me," behind the complex automatic functions of BTI. That worn out story eventually is seen as a trick, a lie, a conditioned belief. As Awareness, the persona continues doing its thing, it just isn't seen as my identity any longer.

What a trip to just Be. Consciousness is no longer efforting "to be this or get that." If the energy of wanting arises, so what? It has nothing to do with "Me" as a unit or point of Power, a point of Awareness, or Presence. The "wanting" simply returns effortlessly, "untouched" and "unclaimed"
to the Source from which it sprang.

Somehow as this One Power lives us, we find our Being is happy. This, whatever "This is" feels full, complete, and lacking nothing. The Intelligent Silence guides and lights the way, as it always has, but this time there is no imagined separation.

We begin to TRUST this Power as it rests deeper and deeper.

We RELAX more and more as IT recognizes its undivided,

whole SELF as unborn and undying.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Aren't the simplest messages the most powerful? But messages are just "text" unless one is "willing" to see for themselves if the "simple messages" are so. This evaluation is through WITNESSING "what is." Falling back, "behind" what is witnessed is very helpful. It is like falling back into your own arms of love it Self. Otherwise, I am "falling forward" and into a lie, a tall tale about separation, limitation, mortality, yesterday or tomorrow.


Awareness is the "Total Consciousness"
that enlivens all the fields of experience

Awareness is neither the "doer" nor the "enjoyer," but the "non-interacting" witnessing Awareness. It's interesting to realize that "This" Awareness is not involved in any action or any enjoyment. Only the egoic mind (body, mind, intellect) seeks to "enjoy" and "fulfill its wants." (That's a wake-up call!) In the end, wants include "wanting to become enlightened" when the Light of Awareness is already the case. It is great to remember that "what" I am, "what" You are "already" is not mortal, not unhappy and not ignorant. Most important - since there is no next in Reality, "Presence" is an end in itself, not an end to a means to get somewhere (ENLIGHTENED) in the imagined future, or a means to the "next" want.

Once this is pointed out and "witnessed," it feels "safe" to rest in and as "non-interacting" Awareness. It dawns that Awareness is not a doing, it a "being." Awareness it never "not" here, being, shining, resting, witnessing.

Comparing one teacher, or teaching with another and placing judgement "against" this or that is a waste of energy. These are "distractions" to the nakedness and purity of Awareness. Judging means separation, and that is not worthy of our Power of Attention, and our real nature as UNCONDITIONAL love.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Why not hang out in the Self. JUST LET THINGS GO BY. That's what Pure Consciousness does, in the moment, it lets everything parade before it. THIS IS YOUR NATURAL STATE!

The "human condition" includes "all" arising energies. Even those the mind has learned to call "lower energies" - shame, guilt, apathy, grief, anger, and pride are levels of Consciousness. These are OK and allowed in the spirit of witnessing Presence. The key is to use the Will consciously. When you feel the pull, and the tightness, the hurt, the craving, the jealousy, you immediately relax, let go, and allow the energy to be (without being sucked in or forward). Instantly you "consciously move attention back behind it." THEN SOMETHING NEW GETS DISCOVERED. Before long, confidence in Presence increases. You know you can rest in awareness no matter what! Fear of these energies was a lie! They have no power of their own. Now, we have Presence, conscious Presence. A new lens on the camera, makes everything clear.

What about physical pain. My experience is this is no different. Various aches and pains may come with the body ageing. So what? It is effortlessly "witnessed." Not as "pain to be afraid of" but, simply a "momentary sensation." It is witnessed as here, and gone. Then forgotten. You remain AWARE, behind and free. There is nothing that can throw you off after a while. Whatever "appears" - PARADES BY, comes into awareness, the shoulders and heart relax. You automatically let go of all bodily tension, and "fall back" witnessing What Is, MOMENTARILY as part of the flow.

You might ask say, "But the mind. It won't shut up. It says mean things, it says nice things. I must be the nice things." Wait. Like feelings (energies) and bodily sensations (energies) see if you are any of the thoughts (energies) around mean or nice. DON'T LISTEN. Even spiritual thoughts, are just thoughts. With investigation, the thoughts come and go, do they not? They are not You, Witnessing Consciousness. You are of another dimension all together. A dimension that gets to watch the flow of energies do their thing. As Pure Energy and Pure Consciousness they have there being within emptiness, cognitive Consciousness. It is Consciousness which becomes aware of them, which shines the light of awareness on them, for they belong to the One Source of everything.

So experiment. Rest, relax IN and AS "what you are." Here, always here.

You see, Consciousness INCLUDES all appearances. Why? Because in essence everything is Consciousness and Energy, the nature of Reality, Oneness, Onlyness. You are safe. You have always been safe. Nothing can harm You, nothing can hurt You. You are formless, empty, alive and aware. How sweet is this - That which WATCHES moment by moment. That which relaxes and enjoys the parade of thoughts/feelings, sensations, and objects? It's your own sweetness. So start now, relax, allow awareness, attention, to "fall back" into its own loving arms of Presence. Again and again. This field doesn't move. All of those appearances move within It. See? So inwardly STAY HOME even when you are "out and about" in the world of appearances.

Or rather, it could be said,"Stay home even when"out and about" is within in You.

What you used to be afraid of is transmuted. Even death. That which watches is eternal, is ever present and is You, unborn, right here, right now. It experiences watching, listening, feeling and is forever whole, complete and yes, yes, yes, remember You are That.

IMPORTANT TO NOTICE: As YOU are aware of the seeming mental/emotional or physical "discomfort," ENERGIES - immediately be aware of the "urge to fix it!" Don't touch it! Remember, YOU remain within the Self, YOU WATCH. What YOU are watching is the "Dance of Creation" i.e. energies taking various forms, thoughts, feelings, sensations and powerful forces. YOU are not in Creation. Creation is in YOU. The Power of the Self, in neutral watching, is always more powerful than any power in Creation.