Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Scott Kiloby added the following comment to something sent to him via e-mail this morning:

On the way to work, it occurred to me that if I sat in front of the camera and drew a picture of a "me," and held it up, everyone would get that the image cannot listen, it does not hear, it is not alive, it doesn't see. So, therefore, no image in the mind, no matter how enlightened or how much it seems to refer to a me....can hear, touch, taste, live, breathe, listen. :)

Comment and response:

Yes. There is no "solid body," with a label or name "doing" anything. JUST A PICTURE BEING HELD UP TO THE CAMERA. You could say, seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, living, feeling, and listening, happens in "space" or in "Intelligent Consciousness" which is non-local. Everywhere and no "one" where. The body is an image appearing in one flash and not appearing in another flash. All appearances happen spontaneously in and to this Super Intelligent "place-less place" where "descriptions" do not apply. All descriptions are distortions of one level or another. Realty cannot be understood with the limited personal mind, for the limited personal mind is also an illusion. :-)

Scott's reply:

Yes, :-)