Friday, July 17, 2009


You say you are on fire. There is something you forgot.
Franticly mind searches, out here, for what is not.

You call yourself a seeker, but what’s seeking you?
Perhaps its right within us, the last place to look we knew.

You say you are on fire. There is something you forgot.
But the wheel keeps on turning, running in the same old spot.

One more flight, retreat or book, and there it might appear.
If only I knew the right question, transformation would be near.

Something loving looks upon this poor retched soul,
Sends a wise teacher who knows you're already whole.

The beloved teacher is a blessing, they truly know the way.
They take the time to help you, and you know not what to say.

In silence you discover, what words cannot express.
It is Life that's living you and there is nothing to repress.