Thursday, July 30, 2009


Beauty is no longer pretending we have a clue!
Sweetness is knowing, we never did.
Happiness is watching the game play itself out!
Pure joy is what is reading and typing these words
right here and right NOW.
The mystery is that we are not human.
The wonder is that we watch one.
Always and all ways,
what is most needed to remain on track
comes effortlessly from Amazing Grace.


It has become apparent in the past 24 that nothing in the world is worth closing this mind and heart. Nothing is worth blocking off the entrance of a dynamic energy flow of enthusiasm, joy, even bliss. Once that amount of energy flow is witnessed and felt, nothing is worth closing those two portals.

In addition, not one squabbling, neurotic voice is mine. Those roommates are on their own. They are watched, but they are not Me. Involvement in their insanity? No way!

What I am is "This" in which the world,

the mental noise and the story arise.

No energy that arises is as strong as the Self. As tightness is noticed, it gets witnessed, relaxed into, released and let go of. These energies arise all through the day. Consciousness relaxes and releases all through the day. These energies are not Me, they have nothing to do with Me. The Self, the "I AM" - is concerned with one thing and one thing only...FREEDOM. The side effect of FREEDOM is enthusiasm, joy and a jest for Life. It is a matter of using the Will. Staying on the thrown of Witness Consciousness is a conscious choice!

Cheers to Life~

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


You have never been SOMETHING.
All somethings arise in and to You,
and have since time immortal.
Don't move, LOOK. Right here, right now!
It is this "looking" that gives "somethings" life.
"This" is Light and Life.
There is nothing to figure out.
Nothing to understand.
Keep it simple. Be what You already Are.


Was speaking with a friend a moment ago. And this is all so new to her. She says she is confused. It was explained that confusion with 'This' is wonderful. The limited mind is not structured to understand the Mystery of Life. The best advice seemed to be to ask her to RELAX. Periodically, throughout the day, stop, relax, watch the breath, become aware of Awareness, the on-looker. Just a second or two. This relaxation/Awareness creates an opening, the opening that is her True Nature. Life takes care of the rest. This "checking-in" is about effortlessness, ease of being, and "This" which is always aware, looking and at peace with whatever it sees. Only the mind will say it is hard to stop thought, hard to get this, hard to understand. Why stop thought? Relax, and what will be will be. Just this brief relaxation, becoming Present with what already the mind a much needed rest. Mind can't live in the now moment. In the world of the mind, past is memory, future is imagination and the mind is always in agitation because of this. Mind needs the rest of Presence, but it will never understand it.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Have you watched the "movie of the mind lately?" If you have, you will see "one compelling sales pitch after another!" The promise is always about "the pleasure you will receive," pleasure for the body/mind thing. Did you swallow the 'one time offer' of the body/mind belief hook line and sinker, seeming long, long ago? Face it, it's just one info-commercial after another.

The audience eating popcorn and enjoying the colors, images and Dolby Sound, is the Light shining on the screen. It is alive, intelligent, formless, deathless, non-locatable, non-perceivable, and non-definable. IT knows its Self as "This" and enjoys the show, info-commercials and all!

Have you noticed the Light of Pure Awareness brings with it clarity, joy and un-caused delight? Those arise in and as Consciousness also~ how fun! What a movie lover Consciousness is. Always enjoying the drama from the front row seat of witnessing Consciousness.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


What if death is every night and every morning,
and the ALIVE and REAL were every moment? Lets take a look!

At night fast asleep, so much activity! Parts are being played, stories unfold, filled with energy and power. It all looks and feels so real, before the eyes open each seeming day.

The eyes open, there is so much activity! Parts are being played, stories unfold filled with energy and power. It all looks and feels so real, until the eyes close each seeming evening.

Tomorrow morning before and as the eyes open,

"detect this formless awareness, watching and cognizing it all."

What if, "this highly alive witnessing intelligence" is the only Reality? What if all the illusory parts and stories are projected (similar to a hologram)? What if, "this highly alive witnessing intelligence" is the Source of ALL energy and power?

What if, 'This' is what can be noticed in any moment? Eyes open, eyes closed? Could this ALIVE noticing be what the Evolutionary Impulse is waking itself up to?

Why wait for morning? Right now, detect this formless awareness, watching, cognizing, reading, and understanding these black squiggles on this page. Awareness detecting the feel of hardness from the chair, and the sound of an auto speeding seeming outside."


Did you notice the same peace, the same alive space, the same impersonal seeing or looking that you notice first thing in the morning?

What if "the fear of death" is a lie? Are you afraid to go to sleep tonight, or afraid to wake up in the morning? Perhaps there is only celebration and perfection 24/7. What if eternal Life is what You are, but have forgotten?

This Love is right here, right now, looking, listening, waiting to be noticed! Notice over and over again until the noticing merges with the the formless Love that is noticed!

Noticing is simple, like everything else, because you are not doing it! With courage, willingness, and intent (GRACE) it is noticed that wakefulness does its Self!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Now, the space in which Life happens is typing these letters one by one.
It is the Galexcy, planets, moon, and stars, and the brightly shinning sun.

Now, the space in which Life happens is the One Life called everything.
It has no name, is birth-less, silent, formless and is indeed no-thing.

Now, the space in which Life happens is always here and clear.
It has no preference, it rests, and loves all things both far and near.

Now, the space in which Life happens isn’t waiting for someday,
It is right here, silently looking, and never ever turns away.

Now, the space in which Life happens is infinity and true,
It is masked as this or that, and is disguised as me and you.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


It takes no effort just to Be,
to watch relaxed, at rest, at home.
Home is here right now,
where there is nothing to be known.
This mind is happy for a break, its been working needlessly.
Somehow you see you've never moved at all,
still full, at peace and free.

Monday, July 20, 2009


This was an e-mail to my dear friend and mentor Scott Kiloby. Then came the urge to add the text to this site. His response is at the end of the text. As he often does, he will pull out a few lines from an e-mail and comment on it.

(It was at Scott's suggestion that this blog get started in the first place. Will be forever grateful for his support, encouragement and love. This is called GRACE).

The discovery yesterday is that this Presence/Peace/Quiet Space has a depth to its "here/now" observing. Just sitting in a back room alone, the walls seem clearer, the carpet softer with lovely texture and light, and the details gently, wordlessly are in wider focus. The body spends more time on the porch alone, drawn to quiet (just Being). There are less meaningless comments and assumptions. Memory may throw up a response on the screen to a situation, but something sees the lack of Truth in the statement and remains quiet. Also in e-mails, the mind may go off on a tangent telling tails of a personal life to a family member about this and that, and about half-way threw, the impulse is to delete and stick only to the facts. Personal story seems a farce, but if appropriate, it is used as a social tool for communications.

There is this sense of following a lover into the mystery of life, with words and without words, its all the same. One flow, just here in the "sweetness" of the unknown. Yes, fully here and yet there is indeed a wonder of what will show up next in this movie. The last report is the relaxation, what previously was called an "Ease of Being." Should old resistance appear, they are witnessed and surrendered to the formless God like Power. Everything just happening on its own.


Scott selected the following paragraph from the above e-mail to comment on:
"Also in e-mails, the mind may go off on a tangent telling tails of a personal life to a family member about this and that, and about half-way through, the impulse is to delete and stick only to the facts (done). Personal story seems a farce, but if appropriate, it is used as a social tool for communications."

Scott's reply:
That's my sense too, that the personal story is not pushed away, but it is seen as appearance, coming and going, and therefore not substantial, and not "me" in the deepest sense, but never is it excluded or denied like some kind of a disease. There is something about that seeing that allows whatever fixated or pathological aspects of the story to sort of gently fall away on their own, without effort. Yes put a picture up. Why not?

Sunday, July 19, 2009


It is not known if Presence
is calling everything to Now,
or if Now is calling
everything to Presence.
Such wonder!
(Words cannot express this love)

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Totality, the manifest and un-manifest, the pulsation and vibration of Intelligence streaming through this body/mind, please hear/feel this heart felt prayer.

Take this ego off its assumed pedestal, even though it doesn't want to loose its vehicle. There is only one intent for this day. It is YOUR intent, they WILL. Please use this body/mind instrument for the Evolution of Cosmic Consciousness NOW. This is the intent "to go all the way."

(I cannot use YOU, only YOU can use YOU).

YOU act faster than the conditioned mind/ego can think. In awe, there is a total letting go, a non-resistance, a surrender to WHAT IS, moment by moment. The belief that "Reality" should or could be other than "it is," is insanity. This ignorance, in fact EVERYTHING, must surrendered to Thee O'Lord - a God like power.

With humility, may this "opening" ride on your Divine impulse. RIDE ON YOUR WINGS.

I ask this in the name of the One Power, One Totality, One Taste, One Life. Amen.


No, it would not be too bold. One of the points of integral enlightenment is that, although awakening to the timeless reveals a first person "I" as God, so that God and I are seen as not two, Integral Enlightenment points out that God appears in different perspectives. He appears in 2nd person, as if I am praying to him, in devotion. Non-dual purists would see this as rubbish because it makes it appear as though there is a separation between I and God, as if I am separate from THAT. But once it is realized that I am THAT, then the work is done, and there can be a seeing that God appears in other perspectives. Any other viewpoint is very ethnocentric because, although Hinduism and Buddhism deal only with the pure subjective "I" as witness, Christianity speaks in terms of God as other in certain instances. God is appearing as everything, every perspective. The real freedom is seeing that this "I" is not separate from God. But from that seeing, there is the ability to take many perspectives.

That is what Integral is all about.

Friday, July 17, 2009


You say you are on fire. There is something you forgot.
Franticly mind searches, out here, for what is not.

You call yourself a seeker, but what’s seeking you?
Perhaps its right within us, the last place to look we knew.

You say you are on fire. There is something you forgot.
But the wheel keeps on turning, running in the same old spot.

One more flight, retreat or book, and there it might appear.
If only I knew the right question, transformation would be near.

Something loving looks upon this poor retched soul,
Sends a wise teacher who knows you're already whole.

The beloved teacher is a blessing, they truly know the way.
They take the time to help you, and you know not what to say.

In silence you discover, what words cannot express.
It is Life that's living you and there is nothing to repress.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Silent observation of whatever arises
is not a skill to be mastered.
Silent observation is always the case.
That which arises in this spaciousness
is not a problem.
The problem is that awareness
forgets to ignore and not repress what is arising.
Effortlessly allow
whatever arises to be OK,
holding on to nothing.
This freedom, is the original freedom.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Until recently perhaps,
it was thought that 'Rest In Peace"
was after the body was gone.
In this world of illusion,
a funeral may be the only time
these words are ever heard.
Guess what?
Rest In Peace means right now,
where we are.
Peace can never be found elsewhere.
Peace is always waiting to be noticed.
If one waits till after the body is long gone,
there has been a serious error.


What comes, comes, what goes, goes. Relax. Why continue to worship concepts and mistakenly call them "mine"? Notice this ever present “ease of being” - this flow that “leads” the way. Look and see how Present AWARENESS effortlessly watches and records? Should treadmill thinking mechanically appear, so what? If left alone they merge back into the space from which they arose? Check it out!

Could it be that all thoughts are in perfect alignment with the level of Consciousness running each vehicle? So maybe there is nothing to be, and nothing to do. What a relief!

PEACE IS ALWAYS TRUSTWORTHY! Perhaps PURE PERFECTION appears in every moment, with or without words.



They carry a peace that is unmistakable and non-conceptual. Remain open, receptive. It is amazing what comes forth in dealing with everyday matters. These answers seem to be based in neutrality, love, and non-judgement. You could say, for the good of the whole.

Can we remain still and open, while discovering that everything happens on its own, with or without the ego claiming ownership.

Ownership? Isn't that a lark! Its all on loan?

All is well. All is well.


So how do we know what God's Will is?
Easy. It is whatever is happening right now, where we are, what we are doing.

So what are we?
Maybe we are the "opening" through which Life seems to happen, to flow. If we ask, "What Am I" and wait, without memory, perhaps that is the real and only answer. Find out for yourself.

Such simplicity.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Could it be that we do not have a boundary? Could it be that silence, or space is our true name? Could it be that we are not “who“ we have been brainwashed to believe we are? Could it be that “what we are” is right here, waiting to be recognized as our own Divinity? Could these questions be leading up to two larger questions: “What am I "before me and my story” began?” and “What will I be when the insignificant story ends?” These answers are waiting for our interest. Waiting for you and I to shut up, sit down and go within. Waiting for us to look at what has always been here. Waiting for us to rest, let go of fear, and stop believing the “thinking” that says “we know anything at all.” Letting go is a natural relaxation as we stop seeking to know with the mind. So lets allow a blissful “ease of being” or Intelligence to come flowing through and shine a new light on everything present. The light and the dark will be revealed. Both are in and of God or Totality. We can embrace and welcome whatever spontaneously appears. We are granted the courage to look and to be honest. Intuition will guide us all the way. We can watch whatever appears, knowing full well that we are “that” which “watches.” The mind is a wonderful tool and so is the body…they both appear "in" us. Not us as limited, conditioned, karmic wind up toys - body/mind…but US as ONE. Lets be our own private investigator, lets stay awake and aware in each moment when doing ordinary things. Let's be that “formless something” that sees the body as it walks down the hall. Just be that AWARENESS that hears words falling out of that hole in the imagined face of ours. LETS JUST BE. We need not listen to the ego-self that says a "little me" is in control. See if some "imagined personal you or me" knows what our next thought will be? See if that imagined "somebody" knows what the next event in Life will bring. We are beyond anything we can think of, anything we can come up with in words. For some this is too much. So what if a state called “victim” or “poor me” or “better than arises.” So what? They are not something called you and me, they are not the One, and yet without the One what would notice?

Glorious, beautiful shining intelligent PURE AWARENESS,
ONENESS before, during and after “me and my story.”
What a lucky life. What good news. Celebrate!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


The joy of now is not like anything that can be imagined. The joy of now is “right here” - "words free" - looking, shining, recording. It is like the sun shining on ALL things alike, without preference, without judgment, without hope and without fear. Remember preference, judgment, hope and fear may appear in its Light rays. That is OK. Such ghost like appearances can not touch the Light always shinning that You are.

To know the joy of now is to be encased in joy, which is always so, but overlooked. You know your true nature in and as this joy. “It is of the formless world of Presence, peace, alertness, and calm.” It is this world of Light that all things must pass through.

So enjoy the joy of now, it costs nothing and is everything. There is an energy within, which is connected to this world of energy or space. It knows you, in fact it is You. The real You. So be of good cheer. What you are looking for is what is looking. So “Don’t worry, be happy.” Even if worry appears, notice the peace, ever-present, that is far, far, removed emotionally while lovingly, and patiently enjoying the show. It’s a Cosmic game. Don’t take any of it too seriously, but have fun watching.

Simply…… enjoy the joy of now.

Friday, July 10, 2009


YOU watch. An innocent baby takes its first breath and to it everything just happens. Then the “conditioned belief happens” that everything is happening to a false self called “me.” Suffering happens, identification happens, and attachment happens. One thing after another happens. Through Grace, before the form (sensations and energy) are all used up, the separate false little “me” idea is seen as a “notion” only….. innocence returns, and everything just happens.

There is a turning back to that which has been looking all along.

YOU have always been Present. This YOU will always be Present, at birth and at death.

Without this YOU witnessing as Awareness,

nothing is seen, nothing exists.

This YOU has been over-looked. Like the “blank screen” gets over-looked at the movies as long as attention is on the colors, images, sounds and actors. Without the "cosmic blank screen of Life (which in this case is ALIVE) nothing exists".

This YOU lovingly says hello to itself, here, here, and here.

This YOU lets the present moment,
with everything it brings about, take care of itself.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


What if three unwanted, unasked for, fear based,
thoughts arose and said:

"What if she/he leaves me?" - "What if they die tomorrow?"

"What if I die today?"

Relax, only a "thought leaves." Thought is the only death. What is HERE never leaves. What beats this heart and pumps the blood is pure love. "This" is listening to the falling rain and the rustle of the wind in the leaves. "This" is the puppy on this lap. "This" is the hand stroking her.

Beloved, eternal, love without end, "This" never leaves its Self.
Check it out! Here, IAM. Listen! Be still!

Always here, loving, watching, untouched by the delusions of the mind. In the "silent opening" is the orange pink sunset at the end of a summers day, each unique song of every creature, the mid-night sky, infinity beyond words, and worlds within worlds.

Here IAM. Sh-h-h-h ...keep quiet.
I am always with You, for IAM the formless You,
and everything and no-thing alike.


Awareness resting in and as awareness is complete effortlessness, total surrender.
A quiet welcoming, and accepting of “what is, as it is.”

Awareness is listening to the fingers hitting the keys on the keyboard, observing the white space on the page, the black squiggles, and interpreting those representations, and ALL representations as they arise. Awareness is aware of the emptiness here as a reflection of its own unborn Self. Go deeper into this space, rest more completely in this quiet, moment by moment. See if emptiness is awareness resting in its own loving arms of awareness, or Consciousness it Self. Relax into this openness. If something needs to arise in this relaxation it will happen, get welcomed, and effortlessly return to its home in and as awareness as well.